Information for Students
After-School Tutoring Help: Tutoring is available after school Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30 to 3:30 in the Media Center.
Work Permit Instructions: Students between the ages of 14 and 17 who wish to get a job must fill out a Work Permit application and turn it in to the main office. Complete instructions for obtaining a work permit can be found on the Work Permit page of the WRHS website.
To activate student WRSD Google mail accounts:
- Students must go to and sign in as [email protected] (YY is the last two digits of the student's year of graduation.)
- The password is the student's nine-digit student number found in PowerSchool. For example:
- Once the student has signed in, the WRSD Google account is activated and the student will be able to communicate with his teacher through that account.
- Both the student number and year of graduation can be found in PowerSchool.
Clubs and Activities: WRHS offers many extracurricular activities for students. Students can find a full listing of clubs, musical groups, and athletic teams on the Clubs and Activities page of the website. If a student wishes to form a new club, the student must download the Application to Form a Club, fill it out, and bring it to the main office.
Bringing a Guest to a WRHS Event: If a WRHS student wants to bring a guest to a WRHS dance or other function, the guest must fill out a WRHS Dance Guest Permission Form. The completed form must be turned in when the WRHS student is buying tickets for the event.
New Guidelines for WRHS Dances: In an effort to improve decorum at school dances, Wachusett Regional High School has developed new guidelines to govern behavior at these events. The guidelines are contained in the WRHS Dance Conduct Policy.
Academic, Discipline and Classroom-Related Links
Extracurricular and Outside Class Links