The devastating school shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX is an incomprehensible event, one in which we are left with collective feelings of shock, anger, immense sadness, and fear.
It is our hope that students feel safe and protected here at WRHS through our many security mechanisms, such as locked doors while school is in session, a strict visitor sign-in/sign-out protocol, and certainly, the presence of our School Resource Officer, Officer Dan, on campus each and every day.
It can be very difficult to navigate the range of emotions, some of which may be unexpected. We encourage you to lean on a trusted person in your life, such as your school counselor, school psychologist, school adjustment counselor, or another supportive adult.
Below are some things to consider as you work to take care of yourselves as we move forward.
-Be patient with yourself. You may be feeling a wide range of emotions that seem impossible to control. It is okay to need to take a step back, take a deep breath, and process how you’re feeling. This will look different for everyone; feelings are personal and people don’t always process things the same.
-Talk to someone. Whether it be a parent/guardian, your school counselor, a teacher, a friend, a coach…it is important to be patient with yourself and find comfort in knowing that others are there to help you work through this. As your school counselor, please do not hesitate to come and see me if you need to take a break, catch your breath, and/or if you wish to process this unspeakable tragedy.
-Limit Media Exposure. It is difficult to control information that is shared through the media. Some things that are consumed may be confusing, upsetting, and cause feelings of great anxiety. Be mindful of what you are allowing yourself to be exposed to.
Maintain a normal routine. While it seems strange to think of this, or maybe even a bit selfish, it is important to keep to your regular schedule when you can and ensure that you are eating enough, staying hydrated, and sleeping enough. Of course, you should take a break when needed, but your mental health is linked to your physical health and you can’t pour from an empty cup.
Engage in a creative outlet. Whether it be exercising, finding a calming activity such as mindfulness exercises or coloring, listening to music, taking a walk, making lists, or trying word puzzles; it may help to take a “brain break.”
With all this said, you know you best, and our hope is that you please reach out when you are in need. We are here to help in any way that we can. We will get through this together.