Fall Golf Try-Out Procedure Info.docxFall Sports at Wachusett Regional High School
Player/Parent Meeting: Thursday, 8.15.24
6pm - 8pm
There will be a Player/Parent Meeting for all those interested in trying out/participating in WRHS Athletics on Thursday, August 15 from 6-7 pm in the WRHS Auditorium. Players/Parents will then have the opportunity to attend a breakout preseason meeting with the coach of the program in which they will be participating from 7-8 pm in the following locations:
Break out meetings 7-8pm:
Football: remain in the auditorium
Volleyball: Gym
B & G XC: H103/105
Field Hockey: Faculty Dining Room
G Soccer: Media Center
B Soccer: Cafeteria
Golf: J101
To go directly to Fall Sports Registration, click here.
Wachusett Regional High School fields nine sports teams during the fall season, at the varsity, JV, and freshman levels.
Trying out for a Fall Sport: Tryout times and locations for the Fall sports season will be posted in late spring or early summer.
Fall Sports Teams Expectations
Home Sports Venues: All fall home games take place at Wachusett Regional High School, 1401 Main Street, Holden, MA, except for Boys Golf, which plays its home matches at Bedrock Golf Course, 87 Barre Paxton Road, Rutland.