Complete Instructions for Obtaining a Work Permit

WORK PERMIT APPLICATIONS: Work permit applications and inquiries can be directed to Mrs. George at [email protected] or Mrs. Smith at [email protected]

For 14- to 17-year-olds living in 
Holden, Paxton, Princeton, Rutland, Sterling,
and for
Students attending WRHS from other towns

Step 1 The student/worker must obtain an Employment Permit Application for 14- through 17-Year-Olds.This form may be downloaded here or picked up on the table outside the main office of WRHS. It may also be downloaded from the Massachusetts Department of Labor website at

Step 2 Follow the instructions on the "Employment Permit Application for 14 through 17 Year-Olds."

Step 3 When all the pertinent information is filled out and signatures are obtained the student/worker should bring the completed form to the main office at Wachusett Regional High School. At that time the secretary will provide the student/worker with an "Employment Permit" to complete and sign. A birth certificate, driver's license or other official document with proof of date of birth is required. If an applicant is currently a student at Wachusett Regional High School no "proof of age" is required.

Step 4 The school secretary will verify the date of birth and process the permit.

Step 5 The student/worker then brings the official "Employment Permit" to the employer.