
To be inducted into Wachusett's National Honor Society a student must:

1. be a junior or a senior
2. have and maintain an unweighted average of 85.0
3. have strong leadership
4. complete community service
     *at least 25 hours of diverse service (Not all hours should be from one event, place, etc)
5. have good character

Students who are eligible to apply will receive a letter in the fall and have the opportunity to submit an application.  Once letters are mailed, eligible students will have the opportunity to pick up both the application, scoring rubric,  and  a copy of the by-laws from a designated area.   Eligible students will be given a hard deadline to turn in their applications and all relevant documents.   
Students will be provided the opportunity to ask two teachers to provide a reference. 
Teachers will also be given a list of all applicants and will provide feedback regarding character. 

Applications will then be reviewed by a Faculty Council.
The Faculty Council will use a rubric in order to rate the criteria listed above.  

Once inducted, members will be expected to do the following:
*maintain an unweighted GPA of 85.0
*complete ten hours of service per semester
*complete all NHS monthly service projects
*mentor incoming freshmen (attend Orientation in August and meet with freshmen during activity periods
*provide tutoring two times per semester
*attend all NHS monthly meetings (first Tuesday of each month)