General Information

Important Information for Parents

WRSD School Calendar

Reporting a Student Absent or Tardy: Please use the PowerSchool Parent Portal to report your child absent or tardy. You can find step-by-step instructions by clicking here.

Grading Updates: Parents may access their students' grades through the PowerSchool Log In menu item at left. Grades are entered regularly, and are guaranteed up-to-date at the mid point and end of each term.

After-School Tutoring Help: Tutoring is available after school Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30 to 3:30 in the Media Center. Students are encouraged to fill out a tutor request form to ensure that we have a tutor available for them. Once students fill out a request form, they will be contacted by a tutor to schedule an appointment. The tutoring request form can be filled out online.

Class Dues: Class dues for WRHS students is $100 over four years. Students may pay the $100 as a lump sum, or may pay $25 yearly. Class dues is used to help defray the costs of class trips, proms, and other class events. Checks should be made payable to WRSD. Freshmen and sophomores may pay at the main office. Juniors and seniors should pay in the Upper School Administration Office (B201).

To activate student WRSD Google mail accounts:

  • Students must go to and sign in as [email protected] (YY is the last two digits of the student's year of graduation.)

  • The password is the student's nine-digit student number found in PowerSchool. For example:

  • Once the student has signed in, the WRSD Google account is activated and the student will be able to communicate with his teacher through that account.

  • Both the student number and year of graduation can be found in PowerSchool.


To activate student WRSD Google mail accounts:

  • Students must go to and sign in as [email protected] (YY is the last two digits of the student's year of graduation.)

  • The password is the student's nine-digit student number found in PowerSchool. For example:

  • Once the student has signed in, the WRSD Google account is activated and the student will be able to communicate with his teacher through that account.

  • Both the student number and year of graduation can be found in PowerSchool.


New Guidelines for WRHS Dances: In an effort to improve decorum at school dances, Wachusett Regional High School has developed new guidelines to govern behavior at these events. The guidelines are contained in the WRHS Dance Conduct Policy.

Technology Help: To help parents learn about the potential and problems with new media, the WRSD, in conjunction with the Worcester District Attorney's office, recommends NetSmartz, an online resource to help families make sense of new technology.

WRHS Booster Club: Parents are welcome to join the WRHS Booster Club, which supports all manner of WRHS student activities. Anyone interested should contact Christine Lynch in the WRHS Main Office.

Free tutoring available for children of veterans: Online tutoring is available for children of military members, including National Guard and reserves. This tutoring is available through at least two sites: from, an online tutoring company; and from the School Superintendents Association.

WRHS Student Handbook Student Management Code
Amendment to Student Handbook - Bullying WRHS Policy on Home Assignments
Nondiscrimination Statement NCLB School Report Card
WRSD Policy on Acceptable Computer Use

 Forms and Community Interest

Big Y Express Savings Form Help WRHS earn points at Big Y whenever you shop. CORI form for school volunteers. A photo copy of a driver's license must be attached to the CORI form when submitted to the Central Office.
Student Accident Insurance Brochure WRSD Conflict of Interest letter letter from District to parents.