—Music Department Office: 508-829-6771 ext. 1706
Music Department Home
Music Department Courses and Faculty
Music Elective Courses
First Semester
Second Semester
Grades 9-12
American Popular Music of the 20th Century
Beginning Guitar
Beginning Piano
History of Music Through Listening
Intro to Electronic Music
Music in Film
American Popular Music of the 20th Century
Beginning Guitar
Beginning Piano
Exploring Fine Arts: Music
Exploring World Cultures Through Music
Intermediate Piano
Intro to Electronic Music
Music in Film
Music Full-Year Courses
Concert Bands “Green” or “White"
Placement Audition
Wind Ensemble
Placement Audition
Wachusett String Orchestra
Placement Audition
Wachusett Chamber Orchestra
Placement Audition
Concert Chorus, Treble Voices
Placement Audition
Wachusett Chorale, Mixed Voice
Placement Audition
Wachusett Chamber Choir, Treble Voices
Placement Audition
Wachusett Singers, Mixed Voice
Placement Audition
Applied Music Theory
Placement Audition
AP Music Theory
Prerequisite: Applied Music Theory
Music Beyond School Day Courses
Honors Jazz Ensemble*
Placement Audition
Jazz Ensemble II*
Placement Audition
Honor Jazz Choir*
Placement Audition
Private Instrument & Voice Lessons
Placement Audition
Symphony Orchestra
Placement Audition
Semester-long Courses |
First Semester
- American Popular Music of the 20th Century
- Beginning Guitar
- Beginning Piano
- History of Music Through Listening
- Intro to Electronic Music
- Music in Film
Second Semester
- American Popular Music of the 20th Century
- Beginning Guitar
- Beginning Piano
- Exploring Fine Arts: Music
- Exploring World Cultures through Music
- Intermediate Piano
- Intro to Electronic Music
- Music in Film
Full-Year Courses
- Applied Music Theory
- AP Music Theory
- Chamber Orchestra
- Chamber Choir
- Chorale
- Concert Bands 'Green' or 'White'
- Concert Chorus
- Percussion Techniques
- Singers
- String Orchestra
- Wind Ensemble
Music Beyond School Day Courses
- Honor Jazz Choir (Independent Study)
- Honors Jazz Ensemble (Independent Study)
- Jazz Ensemble II (Independent Study)
- Private Instrument & Voice Lessons
Music Department Faculty
- Jared Bloch
- Sherri Der Kazarian
- David Lookwhy
- Megan Will
WRHS Music Program
The Wachusett Regional High School Music Department's curriculum focuses on the concept that any student expressing desires to enrich his/her education through music may do so. The curriculum's principal concentration is performance, supporting 12 ensembles - each performing at least four times per year. Eight other courses encompass diverse areas of music study to broaden the student experience. The emphasis in the music courses is on individual as well as ensemble musical development. All the courses provide preparation for continuing performance as well as a lifelong understanding and enjoyment of all areas of music.
The History of Music Through Listening (Grades 9-12) 2½ credits (First semester)
In this class, students learn about music from the following musical style periods: Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern. Students will not only develop a vocabulary of musical terms but will also develop listening skills allowing them to hear and discuss music intelligently with others. No prior musical training or knowledge necessary.
American Popular Music of the 20th Century (Grades 9-12) 2½ credits (Both Semesters)
A general and introductory course offering students an overview of the diverse popular musical styles of the late 19th and 20th century - from the "Blues" through current Rock and Roll. No prior musical training or knowledge is required. The course will include a great deal of listening to analyze and compare the many styles.
Introduction to Electronic Music (Grades 9-12) 2½ credits (Both Semesters)
An introductory course offering students "hands on and project based experiences" in the use of recording equipment, microphones, mixers, midi keyboards and synthesizers. Students will complete a research project in the first term on a related topic. Students will also develop basic music reading and piano skills needed for second quarter projects. During the second quarter students will have the opportunity to create music in many styles and idioms using computers and different music software. No prior musical training or knowledge is required - only a willingness to experiment and try new ideas.
Percussion Techniques (Grades 9-12) 5 credits
Percussion techniques class is intended for intermediate percussionists who already have some percussion experience. This class will focus on technical development on all percussion instruments, musical literacy and terminology, and proper care for the instruments. Musical development is reinforced through individual instruction and daily practice. In addition to learning individual techniques, this class will learn high school level percussion ensemble repertoire and standard concert band repertoire. All students in this class will perform in one of the high school concert bands (green or white) at all school concerts.
Beginning Piano (Grades 9-12) 2½ credits (Both semesters)
This course is a "hands on' class designed for students who have had little or no prior piano instruction and would like to learn how to play the piano. The course will include familiarization with the keyboard, music reading, basic theory, playing single note melodies as well as melodies accompanied by chords. By the end of the semester students should be able to play well-known songs. Student progress will be measured and graded by periodic performance exams.
Intermediate Piano (Grades 9-12) 2½ credits (Second semester) (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 90 in Beginning Piano or piano proficiency exam)
This course is for students who want to further develop their skills from the beginning piano course or from prior piano experience. Students taking this course should already be proficient in reading basic music notation and playing songs utilizing hands together. In this course, students will continue to master the techniques of playing, learn many pieces of various styles, increase music theory and reading vocabulary, improve sight-reading skills, and perform both major and minor scales. Class participation and the ability to work independently is a must, as students will learn and perform individual pieces during class as well as group pieces with other students.
Beginning Guitar (Grades 9-12) 2½ credits (Both semesters)
This course is a "hands on' course designed for students who are interested in learning to play the guitar and have had no prior experience. The course will include familiarization with the guitar, music reading and basic theory, playing single note melodies as well as chords. By the end of the semester students should be able to play several popular songs. Student progress will be measured and graded by periodic performance exams.
Music in Film (Grades 9-12) 2½ credits (Both semesters)
This course provides an overview of the world of film music integrated with reading musical notation and using musical composition software including, but not limited to, GarageBand and Noteflight. Many aspects of film music will be discussed, including history, famous composers, the process of film scoring, and how music and its relationship to film have changed throughout the last century. Instructional methods will include reading, lecture, group discussion, projects, and film viewing.
Fundamentals of Musicianship (CPA, Grades 10-12) 5 credit
This course includes the study and development of practical skills in reading, writing, and sight-singing music, musical signs and terms, intervals, triads, major and minor scales, key signatures, meter, rhythm, and harmony. Students will develop an ability to identify musical pitches, both singularly and in combinations through melodic and harmonic dictation. It is strongly suggested that students electing this course also be enrolled in a performance course. This course is the prerequisite for Advanced Musicianship.
Exploring Fine Arts: Music (Pass/Fail) 2½ credits (Prerequisite: determined eligibility of students with defined disabilities) (Second semester)
This is a collaborative class for beginning students and advanced music students. Students will gain an introductory knowledge to the world of music through a variety of means. Students will learn about composers, musical notation, composition, instruments, performance, and musical forms through projects, demonstrations, lecture, games, and movement.
Exploring Fine Arts: Music (Classroom Learning Assistants) 2½ credits (Second semester)
This is a collaborative class for beginning students and advanced music students. Students will gain an introductory knowledge to the world of music through a variety of means. Students will learn about composers, musical notation, composition, instruments, performance, and musical forms through projects, demonstrations, lecture, games, and movement. A small number of advanced band, choir, and orchestra students will be accepted into the class as classroom learning assistants.* These students will assist with the general administration and occasional instruction of the class. Students with an interest in music education, special education, and music therapy are encouraged to apply through Naviance.
Exploring World Cultures Through Music (Grades 9-12) 2½ credits (Second semester)
This course is a study of world music and culture. Students will become familiar with the many ethnic similarities and differences that exist around the globe, which will allow them to make informed cultural comparisons. The semester is divided into several segments to explore the music and cultural areas of each continent. During this exploration, students will identify several concepts that are common denominators for each culture's music. Through a research project, students will learn about a culture of their choice, culminating in a presentation and short performance in the musical style native to that culture.
AP Music Theory (AP, Grades 11-12) 5 credits (Prerequisite: Minimum grade of B in Applied Music Theory)
This course pursues the advanced study of theory, harmony, form and analysis, composition, and ear training. The course provides substantial preparation for a music theory course at the freshman level in college. It is strongly recommended that students electing this course be enrolled in a performance course. Students may earn college credit by taking the course at the AP level and scoring well on the AP Music Theory exam.
Wachusett String Orchestra (CPA, Grades 9-12) 5 credits
The String Orchestra is for intermediate players. This ensemble studies and performs standard high school string orchestra repertoire. Rehearsals focus on technical development, tone production, bowing techniques, intonation, musical terminology and balancing the ensembles' sound. Musical development is reinforced through individual instruction and daily practice. Private lessons are encouraged but not required. Participation in several performances each year is required. Incoming freshmen string players should select STRING ORCHESTRA as their first choice elective when signing up for courses.
Wachusett Chamber Orchestra (H, Grades 9-12) 5 credits (Audition required for placement)
The Chamber Orchestra is the Honors string orchestra for advanced performers. This ensemble studies and performs selections from the difficult levels of the high school string orchestra repertoire. Students are required to take private lessons, and are encouraged to participate in the solo and ensemble concerts. Participation in several performances each year is required including quarterly concerts held at the high school, festival performances, and the "Madrigal Dinner." Students should arrange an audition prior to scheduling their courses (auditions are held late February/early March) for placement in the Chamber Orchestra. Incoming freshmen string players should select STRING ORCHESTRA as their first choice elective when signing up for courses. Individual student placement for the Chamber Orchestra will be done after the registration process is completed.
Concert Bands GREEN AND WHITE (CPA, Grades 9-12) 5 credits
The Concert Bands, the "Green Concert Band" and the "White Concert Band", are for intermediate players. These ensembles study and perform standard high school band repertoire. The "Green Band' and "White Band" have no association with the academic Green House or White House. The names of the groups merely reflect school colors. Therefore, a student could be in the Green House but be in the White Band and vice versa. Rehearsals focus on technical development, tone production, intonation, musical terminology and balancing the ensembles' sound. Musical development is reinforced through individual instruction and daily practice. To ensure that both Concert Bands (Green and White) are equal in size, instrumentation, and performance ability, students who are already members of one of the concert bands must designate on their course registration form the band to which they belong (Green or White). All incoming freshmen should select BAND Grade 9 as their first choice elective when signing up for courses. Individual student placement for each concert band (Green or White) will be done after the registration process is completed.
Wind Ensemble (H, Grades 9-12) 5 credit (Audition required for placement)
The Wind Ensemble is the Honors concert band for advanced performers and is comprised of a specifically balanced instrumentation The ensemble studies/performs selections from the difficult levels of high school band repertoire. Students are required to take private lessons, participate in solo and ensemble performances and engage in daily practice. Participation in several performances each year is required including quarterly concerts held at the high school, festival performances, the "Madrigal Dinner", and all varsity home football games. Students should arrange an audition prior to scheduling their courses (auditions are traditionally held in late February/early March) for placement in the Wind Ensemble. All incoming freshmen should select BAND Grade 9 as their first choice elective when signing up for courses. Individual student placement for Wind Ensemble will be done after the registration process is completed.
Concert Chorus (CPA, Grades 9-12) 5 credits
The Wachusett Concert Chorus is open to students of beginning to intermediate vocal backgrounds. Rehearsals focus on technical development, tone production, breath support, intonation, musical terminology, sight reading and balancing ensemble sounds. Musical development is reinforced through individual instruction and daily practice. This chorus offers emphasis on performing standard choral music of many periods and styles. Participation in several performances each year is required, including quarterly concerts held at the high school. Solo singing in class is required and participation in voice recitals is strongly encouraged. In addition to developing the concept and skills of artistic singing, this chorus can prepare students for entrance into the Wachusett Chorale, Singers, and Chamber Choir. Incoming freshmen should select CHORUS Grade 9 as their first choice elective when signing up for courses. Individual student placement for each choir will be done after the registration process is completed.
Wachusett Chorale (CPA, Grades 9-12) 5 credits
The Wachusett Chorale is open to students of intermediate to early advanced vocal backgrounds. Rehearsals focus on technical development, mature tone production, breath support, intonation, musical terminology, sight reading and balancing ensemble sounds. Musical development is reinforced through individual instruction and daily practice. This chorus offers emphasis on performing standard choral music of many periods and styles. Participation in several performances each year is required, including quarterly concerts held at the high school. Solo singing in class is required and participation in voice recitals is strongly encouraged. This chorus can prepare students for entrance into the honors choirs. Incoming freshmen should select CHORUS Grade 9 as their first choice elective when signing up for courses. Individual student placement for each choir will be done after the registration process is completed.
Wachusett Chamber Choir (H, Grades 9-12) 5 credits (Audition required for placement)
The Wachusett Chamber Choir is for the advanced choral singer. The choir performs the most difficult grade of choral music of the major periods of musical history, as well as popular and show literature. Students are required to take private lessons, participate in solo and ensemble performances, participate in a public recital, and engage in daily practice. Participation in several performances each year is required, including quarterly concerts held at the high school, festival performances, the "Madrigal Dinner", all home varsity soccer games and special appearances given throughout the year. Students should arrange an audition prior to scheduling their courses (auditions are traditionally held in late February/early March) for placement in an honors choir. Incoming freshmen should select CHORUS Grade 9 as their first choice elective when signing up for courses. Individual student placement for each choir will be done after the registration process is completed.
Wachusett Singers (H, Grades 9-12) 5 credits (Audition required for placement)
The Wachusett Singers is for the advanced choral singer. The choir performs the most difficult grade of choral music of the major periods of musical history, as well as popular and show literature. Students are required to take private lessons, participate in solo and ensemble performances, participate in a public recital, and engage in daily practice. Participation in several performances each year is required including quarterly concerts held at the high school, festival performances, the "Madrigal Dinner," all home varsity soccer games, and special appearances given throughout the year. Students should arrange an audition prior to scheduling their courses (auditions are traditionally held in late February/early March) for placement in an honors choir. Incoming freshmen should select CHORUS Grade 9 as their first choice elective when signing up for courses. Individual student placement for each choir will be done after the registration process is completed.
Private Instrument and Voice Lessons (Grades 9-12)
The Music Department is pleased to offer private lessons on all instruments and voice through the Artist-In-Residence Program. Professional musicians teach half-hour lessons on a weekly basis in the WRHS Music area. Lessons may be arranged by contacting the Administrative Assistant for the Arts. Students may also choose to study privately with a professional musician who may not be associated with the Artist-In-Residence Program but is sanctioned by the WRHS Music faculty. (Please see the Music faculty for information concerning this matter.) Students may receive independent study credit for lessons after successfully completing one school year of weekly lessons monitored by the professional music teacher. Progress reports from the instructor will be required as proof of regular lesson attendance. There will also be an expectation of daily home practice of approximately one half hour per day. Specific expectations differentiating between the CPA and H levels may be obtained from the Music Department faculty.
Honors Jazz Ensemble (Independent Study Credit, Grades 9-12)* 2½ credits - Full year (Audition required for placement)
Prerequisite: Audition required as well as enrollment in one of the instrumental ensembles that rehearses during the school day.
The Honors Jazz Ensemble meets each Tuesday evening from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. from mid-September through June. Membership is determined by audition. Attendance at every rehearsal is required. If a student misses three (3) rehearsals, he/she will be dropped from the ensemble. Students are expected to learn individual parts in preparation for rehearsals, take private lessons on the instrument and listen to recordings of a variety of jazz artists to further their understanding of jazz style and nuance. Participation in several performances each year is required including quarterly concerts, festivals and community events. Auditions are held in September and audition materials are available from the band director at the high school.
Jazz Ensemble II (Independent Study Credit, Grades 9-12)* 1¼ credits - Full year
Jazz Ensemble II meets each Wednesday evening from 7-8:30 from mid-September through June. Attendance at every rehearsal is required. If a student misses three (3) rehearsals they will be dropped from the ensemble and fail the class. Students are expected to learn individual parts in preparation for rehearsals. Participation in several performances each year is required, including quarterly concerts, festivals and community events. Private lessons are not required for members of Jazz II, but strongly recommended.
Honors Jazz Choir (Independent Study Credit, Grades 9-12)* 2½ credits - Full year (Audition required for placement.) Prerequisite: Audition required as well as enrollment in one of the performing groups that rehearses during the school day (band, choir, or orchestra).
The Honors Jazz Choir meets each Monday evening from 6-8:30 P.M. from mid-September through June. Attendance at every rehearsal is required. If a student misses three (3) rehearsals, he/she will be dropped from the ensemble. Students are expected to learn individual parts in preparation for rehearsals, to take private voice lessons and to listen to Jazz music as much as possible. Participation in several performances each year is required, including quarterly concerts held at the high school. Auditions are held in September and audition materials are available from the choral instructor at the high school in June of the prior school year.
*Please see the description of Independent Study courses in the full WRHS Educational Guide.