Cafeteria Policies - 2019
School Lunch Program
The National School Lunch Program is governed by federal (United States Department of Agriculture) and state (Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) regulations, and all menus must meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The menu planning system required by the NSLP is designed to provide children with approximately one-third of the key nutrients and calories they need according to the Recommended Dietary Allowances.
Our lunch/breakfast is served as Offer vs Serve which means we offer choices that are broken into components, consisting of milk, fruits, vegetables, protein and grains. The student must choose at least three components, and a fruit or vegetable must be on the tray. He/she can also take all five components.
Lunch Prices
High School: $3.50
Reduced Price lunch: 40¢
Meal includes a protein, grain, fruit and vegetable side choices, and milk
Extra milk: 60¢ (variety of flavors are available)
Breakfast at WRHS
Free/Reduced Lunch Forms
Click on the link below to print an application to apply for the free/reduced lunch program at Wachusett Regional High School. You may apply for school meals at any time throughout the school year by submitting an application directly to your school or to the Food Services department at 1745 Main St. Jefferson, MA 01522.
The main office can also provide you an application upon request. If you are earning at or below current income eligibility guidelines, we encourage you to contact your school to fill out a school meal application. The Food service Department will process your application and issue an eligibility determination.
Please Note: If you received eligibility in the past school year, you must fill out a new application by Oct. 1 in order to determine continued eligibility.
Call Food Services for more info at 508-829-1670 x278
- Free and Reduced Lunch Form
- Sharing of Free and reduced Lunch Information with Other Programs: Please fill out this form if you wish the Food service department to share your child's eligibility information with any school programs such as athletics and testing. Sharing this information may lower your cost for these school events.
- These forms can also be found at the Main Office. Those in need are encouraged to apply at any time during the year.
Link to the WRSD Food Service Webpage for information on MySchoolBucks pre-pay system for your child.